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st: dates

From   "Rodrigo Briceno" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: dates
Date   Wed, 20 Oct 2004 13:48:00 -0600

Dear statalisters. I reviewed the FAQ about how to handle dates and I
discovered some interesting functions to deal with dates. I have a little
problem with the dates I have, because the order of mm-dd-yy is not present.
My dates are dd-mm-yy. I downloaded the "todate" program, and I was capable
to convert the dates in several files that I have, but other files has this
different structure. Does anyone knows how to handle with this feature?

Example of my dates:

       adm_date  dis_date
    1. 14102003  20102003
    2. 19052003  19052003
    3. 30122003  30122003
    4. 09082003  10082003
    5. 01022003  11022003
    6. 11022003  26022003
    7. 01072003  02072003



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