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st: RE: loop within loop

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: loop within loop
Date   Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:10:28 +0100

If you want the correlation between a and b, what 
c d e are doing is unnecessary information. A more
direct approach is 

gen corrab = . 
qui forval i = 1988(1)2003 {
     forval j = 1/12 
		corr a b if year == `i' & month == `j' 
		replace corrab = r(rho) if year == `i' &  month == `j' 

In your example, each correlation is based on just 3 data points. 
Perhaps you are obliged to do that, but I wouldn't want to. 

Also, note Nick Winter's -egen, corr()- within -egenmore- on SSC. 

[email protected] 

> I have a question on loop within loop. I have the following data set
> year       month     date            a         b          c
> 88             1            1            .2         .5        .3
> .                1            2            .3         .6        .4
> .                1            3            .4         .7        .5
> .                2            1            .1         .2        .7
> .                2            2            .4         .5        .9
> .                2            3            .6          .7        1
> 89             1            1            .2         .5        .3
> .                1            2            .3         .6        .4
> .                1            3            .4         .7        .5
> .                2            1            .1         .2        .7
> .                2            2            .4         .5        .9
> .                2            3            .6          .7        1
> I could program the correlation by year as follows,
> g corrab = .
> forvalues i = 1988(1)2003{
>       matrix accum R`i' = a b c  if year == `i', nocons dev
>       matrix R`i' = corr(R`i')
>       replace corrab = R`i'[2,1] if year == `i' & corrab == .
> }
> However,  now I want to calculate the correlation between a 
> and b by year
> and month. What should I do?? I tried the following, but it 
> doesnot work.
> forvalues i = 1988(1)2003 {
>          local j = 1
>          while `j' < 13{
>           matrix accum R`i'`j' = a b c d e if year == `i' & 
> month == `j',
> nocons dev
>           matrix R`i'`j' = corr(R`i'`j')
>           replace corrab = R`i'`j'[1,1] if year == `i' & 
> month == `j' &
> corrab == .
>           local `j' = `j' + 1
>           }
> }

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