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st: -sxpose- available on SSC

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: -sxpose- available on SSC
Date   Sun, 17 Oct 2004 17:31:58 +0100

Thanks to Kit Baum, and as promised, a simple transpose
utility -sxpose- is now available on SSC. 

John Wallace posted a problem of transposing 
a string variable dataset. -xpose- refuses
to do this. 

-sxpose- (the "s" stands for simple as well 
as string) transposes a dataset of string variables, 
so that observations become variables, and vice
versa. It is a rough and ready utility: use circumspectly.

The version on SSC adds not only a help file but also 
some extra handles, such as a -force- option
to carry numeric variables along  as well, 
and various safety features. 

Stata 8 is required. 

[email protected] 

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