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st: Re: printing graphs to PDF

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: printing graphs to PDF
Date   Sun, 17 Oct 2004 08:08:29 -0400

On Oct 17, 2004, at 2:33, Phil wrote:

In addition to using Distiller, it should presumably also be possible
to create a PostScript file from within Stata and then use ps2pdf (a
shell script which uses Ghostscript to convert PostScript files to
PDF).  I use ps2pdf occasionally, though since I do most of my work
on OS X I haven't needed it for Stata graphs (as Kit notes above),
and thus haven't tried it (perhaps someone else has some experience
here?).  Of course you won't have all the options you have with
Distiller, but the advantage is that the same method would work on
any platform Ghostscript runs on (virtually all).  And using -shell-
you could easily drive this from within Stata.

Good point. Another consideration: one may want more control over the inclusion of graphs in documents than PDF format affords: this format is perhaps most useful for producing full-page figures for a presentation handout (although they can be scaled as you wish to fit in the body of a document). Although TeXShop (excellent and freeware) makes it very easy to include a PDF in a LaTeX document, one has more control over the outcome if .eps format (which works on all Stata-supported OSes) is used in graph export. That is the recommended scheme for Stata Journal and Stata Press.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics [email protected]

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