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st: nlogitrum: "too many values"-error

From   "Kelchtermans, Stijn" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: nlogitrum: "too many values"-error
Date   Wed, 13 Oct 2004 11:49:42 +0200

I am trying to estimate a two-level nested logit model on schooling choice using the nlogitrum-command. 

Problem: Stata refuses to estimate the model and says "too many values r(134);". Strange error message, normally it applies to the tabulate command..

The statement I use:
. nlogitrum chosen ctrav ctrav2 f1ff f1fm f1mm f1mf ACAD VOCL VOCS ACADage VOCLage VOCSage ACADmale VOCLmale VOCSmale,group(indiv) nests (option PROG ATTEND) ivc(OUT=1, ACAD=1, VOCL=1, VOCS=1,NONE=1) clogit;

- the clogit, which is estimated first to obtain the initial values, works fine
- removing constraints on the IV-parameters makes no difference
- !! nlogit (instead of nlogitrum) with the same model works !!
- the choice set contains 563 alternatives: 148 in the ACAD-branch, 92 in the VOCL-branch, 322 in the VOCS-branch and 1 in the NONE-branch. 

My guess is that perhaps there is some kind of Stata-limitation on the number of alternatives in the choice set? But then it's still strange that nlogit works...

Any suggestions greatly appreciated...

Stijn Kelchtermans
Doctoral Researcher, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
+32 (0)16 32 69 43
[email protected]

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