Thanks to Kit Baum, the program -concord-
on SSC by Thomas Steichen and myself has
been updated. The changes include
* a dialog
* port of the graphics to Stata 8
* some extra new features
* some extra references in the help file.
In fact, this is the most radical overhaul
in the history of this fairly old Stata program.
Naturally, this update requires Stata 8.
This update will also appear formally
in Stata Journal 4(4), the next issue,
subject to approval by the Editors.
Please note that earlier versions
of -concord- are available as follows,
as indicated by -search concord-:
For Stata 7, in Stata Journal 2-2 files
(version 2.2.7)
For Stata 6, in STB-58 files
(version 2.2.3)
For Stata 5, in STB-45 files
(version 2.1.6)
However, !!! and this is a big
however, note that the last two
versions, and any other versions
extant before 2.2.7, include
calculations of the standard
error of the concordance correlation
based on the formula in Lin's original paper in
Biometrics 1989; that formula was corrected
in Biometrics 2000. Therefore the authors
disavow versions before 2.2.7 and urge
any users to update to Stata 8 so that
they can use the newest -concord- (and
other stuff too, naturally).
[email protected]
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