Greetings. I am trying to use micombine, part of the multiple imputation features mentioned recently in 4-3. When I run the program, I get the following error message: "no row-identifier variable found -- data may have incorrect format".
Context: I am using the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances. The imputed values are already calculated, and I have a variable that tracks the imputation (number 1 through 5). The variable is a numeric format, but given the error about formatting, I converted it to integer and string formats, but still no luck. I am in Stata/SE 8.2. I have until this point been using the Stata macro from the survey codebook, but micombine gives me more functionality.
I am assuming that there is some simple trick here that I'm missing, or else I completely don't understand this at all. I looked at the ado file and found where the error message was being generated, but I'm not a real programmer and much of what I saw was beyond my skill set.
Any suggestions would be useful.
Rick Rogers
Stata neophyte
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