Can I pick from here on my own thing? Each time I update Sophia
Rabe-Heskteh's -gllamm-, some of the modules come out to be outdated,
which I only find out when it crashes. (I know -net install- should
work perfectly, but I found once that one of the older pieces was
sitting in a directory of -adopath- prior to others, and thus caused
problems until I deleted it from there). So for all five or six
ado-files I have to type -which gllamm-, -which gllapred-, etc., and
compare to the current versions on -gllamm- website.
I just had a private exchange this week with Rich Goldstein, who was
bitten by this issue of having a copy of a routine in a directory that
occluded the file downloaded by net install. This has nothing to do
with whether you're accessing gllamm from Sophia's website, nor from
ssc where it is mirrored: it has to do with what is on your machine.
StataCorp decided that it would be useful (and indeed it is) to allow,
say, an ado in PERSONAL to occlude one in PLUS. For testing, that is
great. But it means that you have to understand the adopath concept.