You got what you asked for.
By default -count- shows its result.
-display- with no arguments shows a blank line.
Alternatively, suppress the -count- result and do this:
forval i = 1/10000 {
qui count if d0 == `i'
di "`i'.5" "{col 8}" r(N)
-outsheet- isn't going to help with this because you
are not putting the results in a variable. A better
way to put this in a file is e.g. using -postfile-.
[email protected]
Andreas Aschbacher
> I have d0 as variable-name for one column of my data :
> I use the following in a do-file:
> local i = 1
> while `i' < 10000 {
> count if d0 >= `i' & d0 < `i' + 1
> display
> local i = `i' + 1
> }
> -> and I get in my logfile ->
> .....
> 22
> 27
> 47
> 67
> 63
> 84
> 116
> 195
> .......
> -> always with empty lines between !!!
> -> but I want to get the following :
> 1.5 22
> 2.5 27
> 3.5 47
> 4.5 67
> 5.5 63
> 6.5 84
> 7.5 116
> 8.5 195
> ..
> ..
> 9999.5 12
> : with no emty lines between and in first column numbers
> ascending from 1.5
> to 9999.5 with step 1.
> please "quick" advice how to bring the two resulting columns
> automatically
> in excel-Sheet,for example in first and second this
> possible ?
> I was not successful with outsheet.
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