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Re: st: Royston's mvis ado and version questions

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Royston's mvis ado and version questions
Date   Tue, 28 Sep 2004 21:12:31 -0500

At 09:21 PM 9/28/2004 -0400, Dave Purcell wrote:

A few questions:

1) I just installed Patrick Royston's mvis ado (and related files) and
tried to run it, but I'm getting a "version 8 not supported" error. Is
it safe to assume I can't use this with the version 7 I'm running (Born
08 Aug 2001)?

3) Is there a way to tell if an ado file requires a certain version?
I've looked through the FAQs and haven't come across an answer.
Stata recommends that you specify the version of Stata you are using at the top of programs and do-files that you write. Hence, somewhere early on in an ado file you'll see a line like

version 8.2

Try to run that program in an earlier version of Stata and you'll get errors like you saw.

Now, it is always possible that the program would work fine with an earlier version of Stata. So, you could try making a copy, changing the version to 7, and see what happens. But, keep in mind that (a) it may not work at all, because it requires version 8 features, and (b) worse still, it may seem to work but give the wrong answers. The author will typically only have tested it with the version of Stata they happen to have, so there are no guarantees if you try it with a lower level version.

So, I suppose you could try to hack the programs; but if you did, I'd suggest making sure you run them on problems with known results to see if it seemed to be working correctly. I don't know anything about -mvis- but I see that it deals with missing data, so one immediate concern I would have is whether it is dependent on the changes in MD that were made in version 8.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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