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st: AW: Help on data manipulation

From   "Christian Holz" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: AW: Help on data manipulation
Date   Tue, 28 Sep 2004 01:35:56 +0100


Try the following:

sort customer
by customer: egen rev_sum=sum(revenue)
by customer: gen id2=_n
replace revenue=rev_sum     if (rev_sum<=999)&(id2==1)
drop                        if (rev_sum<=999)&(id2>1)

replace revenue=999          if (rev_sum>999&rev_sum<=1999)&(id2==1)
replace revenue=rev_sum-999  if (rev_sum>999&rev_sum<=1999)&(id2==2)
drop                         if (rev_sum>999&rev_sum<=1999)&(id2>2)

replace revenue=999          if (rev_sum>1999&rev_sum<=2999)&(id2==1)
replace revenue=999          if (rev_sum>1999&rev_sum<=2999)&(id2==2)
replace revenue=rev_sum-1998 if (rev_sum>1999&rev_sum<=2999)&(id2==3)
drop                         if (rev_sum>1999&rev_sum<=2999)&(id2>3)

[to be continued for 3000<=revenue<=3999 if necessary...]

I am sure there is a more "arithmetical" approach, but this one works and
it's too late for soaring thoughts...


-----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von MITRA PINAKI
Gesendet: 27 September 2004 22:30
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: Help on data manipulation

Hello List,

    I have a dataset on multiple customer's revenue information like the

Id    customer    revenue
Z11    xx1         y1
Z21    xx1         y2
Z31    xx1         y3
Z12    xx2         k1
Z22    xx2         k2
Z32    xx2         k3  and so on.

I need to create a new data based on the following criteria. If the sum of
revenue by customer is <=999, I need to write
Customer    revenue
xx1         sum of y
xx2         sum of k

But if the sum of revenue by customer is >999 and <=1998, I need to write
Id     Customer    revenue
001    xx1         999
002    xx1         sum of y-999
001    xx2         999
002    xx2         sum of k-999

and if the sum of revenue by customer is >1998 and <=2997, I need to write
Id     Customer    revenue
001    xx1         999
002    xx1         999
003    xx1         sum of y-1998
001    xx2         999
002    xx2         999
003    xx2         sum of k-1998

Can anyone please provide me any help on this?

Thank you,
Pinaki Mitra
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