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st: RE: Re: tabstatmat repeatedly

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: tabstatmat repeatedly
Date   Mon, 27 Sep 2004 10:40:06 +0100

If I understand this correctly, your data structure 
is awkward at best for what you want to do. 

I'd try a -reshape-, after which things should be 

gen id = _n 
reshape long v category_v , i(id) 
egen mean = mean(v), by(_j category_v) 
egen sd = sd(v), by(_j category_v) 
tabdisp _j category_v , c(mean sd) 

[email protected] 

Camelia Minoiu
> Thank you very much for your help. I have studied all 
> responses carefully. I
> should have mentioned that each variable in the list v1 to v100 has a
> variable called "category_v*" in the dataset. The variables 
> category_v1 to
> category_v100 contain a breakout of the values of each v 
> variable into five
> categories (1 to 5). I then want to obtain summary statistics 
> (one at a
> time, indeed --  I initially thought that I could have 2 
> summary statistics
> and then the matrix with results for the 2nd would be 
> appended to the matrix
> for the 1st summary statistic) from the cells in the v's by the
> category_v's.  Unfortunately, I still don't know how to do it 
> in Stata.
> In other words, I have the dataset:
> v1        v2        category_v1        category_v2
> x11    x21        1                            2
> x12    x22        1                            2
> x13    x23        2                            1
> x14    x24        2                            1
> I would like to obtain a matrix which gives me the mean of 
> x11 and x12 in
> the first cell, and then the mean of x23 and x24 in the 
> second cell (by
> category 1). The same for category 2 correspoding x's, whose 
> means should be
> put in the second row of the matrix.  Would this be possible?

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