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st: -dummieslab- on SSC

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -dummieslab- on SSC
Date   Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:04:00 +0200

Let me add my voice to the new package anouncements...

Thanks to Kit Baum, the package -dummieslab- is available on SSC.

-dummieslab- is a utility to generate a set of dummy variables
from a categorical variable. One 0/1 dummy variable is created for
each level of the original variable. The special feature is that names
for the dummy variables are derived from the value labels of
the categorical variable.

ssc describe dummieslab   // for a description
ssc install dummieslab  // for installation

It is a recent query on Statalist by Nelson Lim that provided the incentive
to blow the dust off an undocumented program. Nick Cox took and improved
the code, and voil�.

Hope this will help.


      'DUMMIESLAB': module to convert categorical variable to dummy
      variables using label names


      dummieslab generates a set of dummy variables from a categorical
      variable. One dummy variable is created for each level of the
      original variable. Names for the dummy variables are derived from
      the value labels of the categorical variable.

      Distribution-Date: 20040915

      Author: Philippe Van Kerm, CEPS/INSTEAD
      Support: email [email protected]

      Author: Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham
      Support: email [email protected]

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