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st: Missing values in -egen-

From   West Addison <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Missing values in -egen-
Date   Mon, 13 Sep 2004 20:31:13 -0700 (PDT)

I have noticed what seems to be a rather unfortunate
feature of -egen-.  In Stata version 8, I typed the
following command:

by id: egen statefcount = sum(state == .f)

expecting to get, for each id, a count of the number
of observations with state == .f.  Unfortunately,
because version is set to less than 8 in egen.ado, I
got, for each id, a count of the number of
observations with missing values of any sort (. plus
.a through .z).  (See Stata 8 User's Guide, p. 116.)

This will no doubt surprise many users--the user has
to know which version of Stata -egen- is written in to
know how it will behave.  Furthermore, it means that
-egen- does not work in a way paralled to -generate-;

by id: generate statefcount = sum(state == .f)

counts only the .f's.  Moreover, if -egen- is ever
updated to version 8, its behavior will change (or it
will have to be made to artificially conform to
strange way it works now).

West Addison

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