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Re: st: Saving Durbin Watson statistic from prais.Typo mistakein manual?

From   "Dev Vencappa" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Saving Durbin Watson statistic from prais.Typo mistakein manual?
Date   Fri, 10 Sep 2004 01:18:05 +0100

Dear all,
 Apologies if somebody has already pointed out this minor issue before. I was running a Prais-Winsten regression and wanted to save the Durbin-Watson statistic. I realised that either there is a typo mistake in the time series manual or it is wrongly coded the other way round in the ado file. In effect, e(dw) is meant to retrieve the DW stat from the untransformed regression while e(w_0) does that for the transformed regression, as per the manual. But it is actually the other way round. I do not have the latest time-series manual updated in July 2004. If it is a typo mistake and has been corrected in the new manual, many apologies for raising this issue again.


  the scalars for doing this are either written the other way round in the time series manual, or it is 

wrongly written i

>>> [email protected] 09/09/2004 23:43:03 >>>

I am using a Proportional Hazard Model with time-dependent variables like 
diabetes duration. Can I get a coef with an opposite (negative) direction 
-contrary to what I expected- if I am using time-dependent variables? Why the 
coef for the same variable is positive if I am using Exponential Regression?

Thank you,


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