Hope you can help me.
I am trying to create dummies variables from a categorical variable and
want to have value labels of the categorical variable to be the names of
the dummy variables.
For example, I have a variable called race_n:
Numeric |
version of |
race | Freq. Percent Cum.
Asian | 1,692 3.19 3.19
White | 41,311 77.90 81.09
Hispanic | 2,237 4.22 85.30
Black | 6,770 12.77 98.07
Native Indian | 272 0.51 98.58
Other | 752 1.42 100.00
Total | 53,034 100.00
I want to create 6 dummies whose names are the value labels of race_n.
For example, I would like to have the first dummy variable to be called
I wrote a program called my_dummy. It seems to work, but when I describe
the data, I get the following. The dummies only take the first letter of
the variable.
. describe
---- storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
A byte %8.0g race_n == 1
C byte %8.0g race_n == 2
H byte %8.0g race_n == 3
N byte %8.0g race_n == 4
T byte %8.0g race_n == 5
X byte %8.0g race_n == 6
/* beginning of the program */
program define my_dummy
version 8
/* computing the maximum value of the variable */
tempvar max1
egen `max1'=rmax(`1')
tempvar max2
egen `max2'=max(`max1')
local maxval=`max2'
/* generating the set of dummy variables */
forvalues i = 1/`maxval' {
egen resp`i' = eqany(`1'), v(`i')
/* naming the value labels of the original variable */
*/ to the dummy variables
tokenize `1'
local j = 1
forvalues i = 1/`maxval' {
local labval`j' : label `1' `i'
local j = `j' + 1
local i 1
local j 1
while `i' == `j' & `i' <= `maxval' {
rename resp`i' `labval`j''
local i = `i' + 1
local j = `j' + 1
my_dummy race_n
. describe
---- storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
A byte %8.0g race_n == 1
C byte %8.0g race_n == 2
H byte %8.0g race_n == 3
N byte %8.0g race_n == 4
T byte %8.0g race_n == 5
X byte %8.0g race_n == 6
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