I would like to use the s2color scheme with a white background
instead of the default ltbluishgray. I copied the file s2color.scheme
to the personal ado directory, changed the line "color background
ltbluishgray" to "color background white", and saved the scheme under
the name s2colorfh.scheme. When I use this new scheme I get an error
. sysuse auto, clear
. set scheme s2color
. scatter mpg weight
. set scheme s2colorfh
. scatter mpg weight
(note: gridringstyle spacers_ring not found in scheme, default
attributes used)
(note: numstyle pcycle not found in scheme, default attributes used)
option seriesid() not allowed
invalid syntax
invalid syntax
invalid syntax
What am I doing wrong? When I use a modified s2mono scheme with a
white background I don't get an error message but the modified
s2color scheme does not work.
Friedrich Huebler
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