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st: nested loops for calculating a population 'at risk'

From   "Sue Lee" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: nested loops for calculating a population 'at risk'
Date   Tue, 07 Sep 2004 15:18:52 +0100


i'm not exactly new to the list, but i've never posted a question
before.  i'm really stuck at the moment so i'm hopeful that someone may
be able to help...  

basically, i have a large data set of births from 1 jan 1988 to 31 dec
2000.  each birth has its own record.  i would like to calculate the
number of women at a certain stage of pregnancy on any given day, say
between 24 and 37 weeks (which equals 168 to 259 days).   

so, for example, to calculate the number of women on 1 Jan 1988 who are
at this stage of pregnancy, I figure I need to:
include all women on that day who are greater than 167 days, but less
than 259 days 
+ all women on 2 Jan 1988 who are more than 168 days but less than 260
+ all women on 3 Jan 1988 who are more than 169 days but less than 261
+ all women on 4 Jan 1988 who are more than 170 days but less than 262
etc   (repeat loop until max value of days is reached) 
but I can't figure out how to translate this into stata code.  

One of my big problems is that I have many records for each date (i.e.,
each baby born on 1 jan 1988 has a record for that day!) and I am
stumped on how deal with this in a loop. 

I hope this makes sense and that someone is feeling generous enough to
help me figure this out!   

Many thanks 
Best wishes 
PhD student 
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine   
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