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Re: st: Stata vs. SPSS

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata vs. SPSS
Date   Tue, 07 Sep 2004 07:04:27 -0500

At 08:48 PM 9/6/2004 -0400, Bill Oetjen wrote:
Hello Folks,
I'm a new subscriber and have an urgent question:

When buying books for my Intro to Educational Research course at my university, I noticed that the required software was SPSS. It was only available in windows platform. As an exclusive Mac user, that kind of leaves me out of the loop.
I noticed that Stata does a good job in OS X.
Can anyone comment on major differences between Stata and SPSS?
I used SPSS exclusively for several years in my graduate statistics courses. This past year I also started using Stata. My students said they liked using both programs. At the end a majority said they preferred SPSS. I think much of this was comfort and familiarity -- most had used SPSS as undergrads and most had never even heard of Stata. Under our site licensing agreements it is also cheaper for them to get personal copies of SPSS than it is Stata. I suspect their appreciation for Stata will grow with time, as I know many of our more advanced students use it for one reason or another.

I have numerous handouts that contain examples of both. Perhaps the clearest comparison can be found in these regression handouts:

Lots of other examples of both SPSS and Stata can be found at

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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