Dear Mark,
Thanks for your help and sorry! I just found out that I mistook -rfprobit-
for -reoprob-. That was the (major) problem.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 4:52 PM
To: [email protected]; Tobias Hofmann
Subject: RE: st: Fixed-effects and the ordered logit/probit model
Quoting Tobias Hofmann <[email protected]>:
> Dear all,
> This is a small "update" to the problem I posted before.
> Using a different ordered categorical dependent variable, Stata 8.2
> doesn't tell me that the "outcome does not vary" this time. However,
> the output is as mysterious as before. Besides, -search r(2000)- is
> not particularly instructive.
> . rfprobit y2 x1 x2, i(country)
-rfprobit- is a user-written random-effects probit, so it isn't making use
of the ordering. Is this what you intended? If so, you might want to try
-xtprobit-, which is the official Stata random-effect probit routine.
> Constant-only model
> rho = 0.0 Log Likelihood = -115.33963
> rho = 0.1 Log Likelihood ~ -71.47475
> rho = 0.2 Log Likelihood ~ -53.679395
> rho = 0.3 Log Likelihood ~ -43.642044
> rho = 0.4 Log Likelihood ~ -37.060202
> rho = 0.5 Log Likelihood ~ -31.396172
> rho = 0.6 Log Likelihood ~ -25.898749
> rho = 0.7 Log Likelihood ~ -21.31849
> rho = 0.8 Log Likelihood ~ -18.051591
> rho = 0.9 Log Likelihood ~ -15.209674
> Iteration 0: Log Likelihood = -15.209674 (nonconcave function
> encountered) rho >= 1, set to rho = 0.99 rho >= 1, set to rho = 0.99
> rho >= 1, set to rho = 0.99 Iteration 1: Log Likelihood = -10.397214
> (nonconcave function encountered) no observations r(2000);
> Does anyone have an idea?
> Yours,
> Tobias
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