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st: RE: Re: graph with 2 x axes

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: graph with 2 x axes
Date   Mon, 6 Sep 2004 12:40:27 +0100

In the same spirit, and standing on Vince's shoulders (*), 

qui su `0' 
local imin = ceil((r(min) - r(mean))/r(sd)) 
local imax = floor((r(max) - r(mean))/r(sd)) 
forval i = `imin'/`imax' { 
	local labels `"`labels' `= r(mean) + (`i') * r(sd)' "`i'" "' 
set graphics off 
histogram `0', t1(z scale)
.Graph.insert (.xaxis2 = , position(above)) above plotregion1
.Graph.set_axis_plotregion xaxis2 plotregion1 x
.Graph.xaxis2.major.add_ticks `labels' 
set graphics on
graph display

This should work as follows:  

do myhistogram systolic 
do myhistogram systolic if female 


[email protected] 

(*) A book on catastrophe theory bore a dedication to a beloved mentor: 
"at whose feet we sit, on whose shoulders we stand". Only topologists could 
visualise the resulting position. 

Christopher F Baum

> Please see Vince Wiggins' talk from the London meetings, where he 
> presented code to do something like that in the example using US 
> states.

Richard T. Campbell
> > For teaching purposes,I would like to display a histogram with
> > overlaid normal density. I would like to display two x axes on this
> > graph, one in the scale of the original variable, say systolic blood
> > pressure and the other in the Z transform of that variable I can't
> > seem to figure out how to do that. Can someone help?

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