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re: st: Re: power analysis for an ABA treatment design

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   re: st: Re: power analysis for an ABA treatment design
Date   Sat, 4 Sep 2004 13:42:07 -0500

I am trying to do a power analysis for an experiment that will have a
2-level between subjects factor and then a 3-level within subjects factor
(i.e., baseline, intervention, baseline) for an ANOVA analysis. Could anyone
give me some advice about this. I looked at several packages (sampsi,
powercal, etc.) and am having difficulty figuring it out.
Al Feiveson wrote a nice little Stata Journal article on determining power in any given model by simulation. This is most flexible.

The Stata Journal 2 Number 2

Power by simulation: This paper describes how to write Stata programs to estimate the power of virtually any statistical test that Stata can perform. Examples given include the t test, Poisson regression, Cox regression, and the nonparametric rank-sum test.


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