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st: problems with graph export and long notes

From   "Dimitriy V. Masterov" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: problems with graph export and long notes
Date   Thu, 2 Sep 2004 02:22:35 -0500 (CDT)

Has anyone ever had a problem with graph export and really long notes?
When I run the code below, stata crashes. If I comment out the note,
everything is OK. I can't seem to find anything on this in the manuals.

/* Correctional Population */
year probation jail prison parole;
1980	1118097	183988	319598	220438		;
1981	1225934	196785	360029	225539		;
1982	1357264	209582	402914	224604		;
1983	1582947	223551	423898	246440		;
1984	1740948	234500	448264	266992		;
1985	1968712	256615	487593	300203		;
1986	2114621	274444	526436	325638		;
1987	2247158	295873	562814	355505		;
1988	2356483	343569	607766	407977		;
1989	2522125	395553	683367	456803		;
1990	2670234	405320	743382	531407		;
1991	2728472	426479	792535	590442		;
1992	2811611	444584	850566	658601		;
1993	2903061	459804	909381	676100		;
1994	2981022	486474	990147	690371		;
1995	3077861	507044	1078542	679421		;
1996	3164996	518492	1127528	679733		;
1997	3296513	567079	1176564	694787		;
1998	3670441	592462	1224469	696385		;
1999	3779922	605943	1287172	714457		;
2000	3826209	621149	1316333	723898		;
2001	3931731	631240	1330007	732333		;
2002	3995165	665475	1367856	753141		;

gen total=parole+probation+jail+prison;

lab var year "Year";
lab var total "Total";
lab var prison "Prison";
lab var jail "Jail";
lab var parole "Parole";
lab var probation "Probation";

foreach var in total prison jail parole probation {;
	replace `var'=`var'/1000000;

(line prison year, sort)
(line jail year, sort)
(connected probation year, sort msize(small) mcolor(black))
(connected parole year, sort msize(small) mcolor(black)
ylabel(, angle(horizontal))
ytitle("Millions" " ")
"Figure 1"
"Adult Correctional Population, 1980-2002")
plotregion(fcolor(white)) graphregion(fcolor(white))
legend(rows(1) symxsize(10) size(small) span)
"Source: Probation is court ordered community supervision of convicted
offenders by a probation agency. In many instances, the supervision
requires adherence to specific"
"rules of conduct while in the community. Prison is confinement in a State
or Federal correctional facility to serve a sentence of more than 1 year,
although in some jurisdictions"
"the length of sentence which results in prison confinement is longer.
Jail is confinement in a local jail while pending trial, awaiting
sentencing, serving a sentence that is usually"
"less than 1 year, or awaiting transfer to other facilities after
conviction. Parole is community supervision after a period of
incarceration. These data include only adults"
"who are on active or inactive parole supervision or some other form of
conditional release, including mandatory release, following a term of
incarceration.", span size(vsmall) )*/;

graph export, mag(175) orientation(landscape) fontface(Garamond)
replace logo(off) tmargin(.5) lmargin(.5);

/* END Correctional Population */

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