Specifying the -nofill- suboption as in
graph box ..., over( ..., nofill )
results in a syntax error, yet this sub_option is documented in -help
graph_box- under the group_options section. E.g.:
. sysuse nlsw88
(NLSW, 1988 extract)
. graph box wage, over(ind, nofill) by(smsa)
option nofill not allowed
invalid syntax
invalid syntax
invalid syntax
invalid syntax
Looking at the data (-tab ind smsa-), there is only one empty categories for
smsa==0 which makes the -nofill- option virtually irrelevant but I am just
giving this example to reproduce the error. In my data, not all categories
of the over() variable appear within the by() variable so I would like to
use -, nofill- to omit those.
Patrick Joly
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