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st: Future of metan/meta?

From   Jannik Helweg-Larsen <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Future of metan/meta?
Date   Wed, 1 Sep 2004 14:59:36 +0200

I just read with great interest the talk by Jonathan Sterne at this years 
London Stata meeting:

A main reason for my switch from SPSS to Stata was the availability of user 
written meta ados, in particular the brilliant metan command by Mike Bradburn.

It is therefore of concern when Sterne in his talk mentions that Mike Bradburn 
has recently left the Centre for Statistics in Medicine in Oxford and that 
metan is unlikely to be maintained?..

I very much support the suggestion that Stata 8 (or 9?) should implement meta 
capabilities, especially graphics with the options to produce forest plots with 
detailed horizontal information for each confidence line (eg. study name, 
counts etc.)and with and without summary estimates.

Did anyone from Stata comment on this issue at the meeting?

Jannik Helweg-Larsen
Department of Infectious Diseases M
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