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st: Log pseudo-likelihood

From   Edlira Narazani <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Log pseudo-likelihood
Date   Tue, 31 Aug 2004 13:46:07 +0200

Dear all,

I am running a mlogit and the results display log pseudo-likelihood. Is this
pseudo likelihood valid to be considered as log likelihood? I dont know also
why i get it.

If someone knows sth more please let me know

Iteration 38:  log pseudo-likelihood = -279.53954

Multinomial logistic regression                   Number of obs   =        580
                                                  Wald chi2(29)   =          .
                                                  Prob > chi2     =          .
Log pseudo-likelihood = -279.53954                Pseudo R2       =     0.5613

                            (standard errors adjusted for clustering on nfirm)
             |               Robust
           y |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
1            |
         ad1 |  -37.51662   .9089146   -41.28   0.000    -39.29806   -35.73518
       fyear |  -.0015743   .0006776    -2.32   0.020    -.0029023   -.0002463
        lowR |   1.874435   1.614458     1.16   0.246    -1.289844    5.038713
       highP |   -43.6426   10.97723    -3.98   0.000    -65.15757   -22.12763
          g2 |   -43.6846   2.637286   -16.56   0.000    -48.85358   -38.51561
          g3 |  -38.85334   1.774763   -21.89   0.000    -42.33181   -35.37487
          g4 |   1.181308   .6933561     1.70   0.088    -.1776447    2.540261
        ist5 |  -38.10761   2.172556   -17.54   0.000    -42.36574   -33.84948
        fat1 |   .0000157   .0000173     0.91   0.365    -.0000183    .0000497
      salesd |   -.004202   .0013467    -3.12   0.002    -.0068416   -.0015625
     salesd1 |  -.0008017   .0026638    -0.30   0.763    -.0060226    .0044193
   labcostde |   .0721222   .0257611     2.80   0.005     .0216313     .122613
   labcostd1 |  -.0534325   .0290356    -1.84   0.066    -.1103413    .0034762
  fixedinvd1 |   .0122782   .0026275     4.67   0.000     .0071285    .0174279
   fixedinvd |  -.0130737   .0174097    -0.75   0.453    -.0471962    .0210487
     itnnewd |   .0117444   .0133326     0.88   0.378    -.0143869    .0378758
    itnnewd1 |   -.014293   .0136948    -1.04   0.297    -.0411342    .0125483
       prodl |   .2457723   .6832404     0.36   0.719    -1.093354    1.584899
      prodl1 |   1.330644   .4364869     3.05   0.002     .4751451    2.186142
2            |
         ad1 |   .8755395   .6214718     1.41   0.159    -.3425229    2.093602
       fyear |  -.0004148   .0005796    -0.72   0.474    -.0015509    .0007212
        lowR |    1.11624   1.114423     1.00   0.317    -1.067988    3.300468
       highP |  -2.502986   1.503847    -1.66   0.096    -5.450472    .4445004
          g2 |  -39.17466   1.784051   -21.96   0.000    -42.67134   -35.67798
          g3 |   -39.5983   1.227165   -32.27   0.000     -42.0035    -37.1931
          g4 |   .8806057   1.188551     0.74   0.459    -1.448912    3.210124
        ist5 |   2.263797   1.634268     1.39   0.166    -.9393096    5.466904
        fat1 |   3.37e-06   .0000198     0.17   0.865    -.0000354    .0000422
      salesd |    .000851   .0007809     1.09   0.276    -.0006796    .0023816
     salesd1 |   .0024652   .0010563     2.33   0.020      .000395    .0045355
   labcostde |   .0099059   .0086621     1.14   0.253    -.0070715    .0268833
   labcostd1 |  -.0056203   .0107423    -0.52   0.601    -.0266749    .0154342
  fixedinvd1 |   .0145481   .0131429     1.11   0.268    -.0112115    .0403076
   fixedinvd |  -.0439803   .0432097    -1.02   0.309    -.1286698    .0407091
     itnnewd |   .0238185    .036446     0.65   0.513    -.0476144    .0952514
    itnnewd1 |  -.0422155   .0375565    -1.12   0.261    -.1158248    .0313939
       prodl |  -1.287851   .6897262    -1.87   0.062    -2.639689    .0639877
      prodl1 |  -1.176519   .6449835    -1.82   0.068    -2.440663    .0876257
(Outcome y==0 is the comparison group)

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