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st: survival: stata vs R

From   Stas Kolenikov <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: survival: stata vs R
Date   Wed, 25 Aug 2004 08:01:41 -0400 (EDT)

This is a recent message on ALLSTAT mailing list -- I am trying to go back
to the point I wanted to make at NASUG about getting Stata on to the
math statisticians' market. The original posting is exactly in the niche
Stata is aiming at -- "researchers who use statistics", and the list
itself is clearly a general statistical list, but the comparison of the
votes below gives a clear indication of who's who in terms of popularity
in "broad" statistics.

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 2004 21:49:16 +0100
Sender:       A UK-based worldwide e-mail broadcast system mailing
              <[email protected]>
From:         Rachel Pearce
Subject:      Survival software - summary of responses

Very many thanks to all who responded to my request for advice about
software capable of survival analysis. I should first explain that
when I said I was responsible for buying it, I meant that I was
responsible for selecting and obtaining it. My employers will (if
necessary) pay for it. But there are the usual financial constraints.
I have always worked in an academic environment before, where
basically any package I might want to use is licensed and available to
me. So I was unfamiliar with the relative costs and had not had to
think too much about what might be the most comprehensive software in
the past. The results were (some people voted more than once):

Package Votes
SAS      3
Stata    5
R       13
S-Plus   1
tda      1
CDC      1
winks    1
kwikstat 1
winpepi  1
prostat  1
NAG      1
johnson  1

R being the "winner" by far, and also free, it is clearly my first choice.
I had S-Plus on my original shortlist, but had completely forgotten about
R. Anyway, as I say I am very grateful to all who responded.


 ---                                    Stas Kolenikov
 --       Ph.D. student in Statistics at UNC-Chapel Hill
 -  -- [email protected]

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