In regression analysis, how do we interpret dichotomus
variables. I have given the result from analysis
Source | SS df MS
Number of obs = 79
F( 1, 77) = 5.34
Model | 52.8286516 1 52.8286516
Prob > F = 0.0235
Residual | 761.23203 77 9.88613026
R-squared = 0.0649
Adj R-squared = 0.0528
Total | 814.060681 78 10.4366754
Root MSE = 3.1442
mfm1 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t|
[95% Conf. Interval]
gender | -1.674738 .7244781 -2.31 0.023
-3.117358 -.2321178
_cons | 9.453125 .4538293 20.83 0.000
8.549435 10.35681
dependent variable is resting flow and independet is
gender which accouts for 6% of varibality in blod flow
(mfm1). Coefficient is -1.6 and slope is 9.45. How
would I know if it is male or female which accounts
for decrease in blood flow.
Please advice, Thanks in advcance for help.
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