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Re: st: Floating toolbar (Mac OS X)

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Floating toolbar (Mac OS X)
Date   Fri, 20 Aug 2004 16:58:46 -0500

"Michael S. Hanson" <[email protected]> wrote:

> that ran the length of my (second) monitor.  Now (having just updated 
> the OS to 10.3.5 and rebooted) I can get *either* a floating toolbar 
> that is merely the length of the set of the mini-icon buttons in the 
> toolbar (thus it chops off my path in the status bar), *or* I can get 
> an anchored toolbar that runs the length of my main monitor -- but the 
> rest of the Stata windows are on my second monitor.

The first part of your message is missing... I'll try to answer based on
what I did get which is quoted above.

I'm surprised if you were getting the anchored toolbar to run all the way
across your second monitor previously.  I seem to remember testing this out a
while back (prior to 10.3.5) to see how far the toolbar went and I'm pretty
sure it only went to the edge of the main screen.

The reason we added the ability to make the toolbar a floating window is
because the anchored toolbar was wasting a lot of real estate on large
monitors (like a 23" cinema display).  I'll look into adding a growbox to the
floating toolbar so that you can resize it.

-Chinh Nguyen
 [email protected]
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