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st: Questions regarding -tvc- and proportional hazards

From   "Wagner, Joseph" <[email protected]>
To   "'STATAList'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Questions regarding -tvc- and proportional hazards
Date   Fri, 20 Aug 2004 10:33:35 -0400

I apologize for the length of this post but I have a problem that has many
of us at work stumped.

I have the STATA press book "An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using
Stata" and I am trying to perform a survival analysis using -tvc-.  I have
persons who all have hepatitis C (a risk factor for End Stage Liver Disease
- ESLD) and then eventually get become HIV+ and then eventually start taking
drugs for HIV (ART).  HIV and ART are both risk factors for ESLD.  My
survival analysis uses date of infection with hep c as the origin and the
endpoint as date of esld, or last date of follow up.  I have dates of HIV
and ART as well.  I set up my data with four observations per person, one
for hep c date, one for hiv date, one for art date, and one for esld or last
follow up date.  I also have age at hep c infection, (agebase).

     |  id   visit     examdat    exitdate   hiv      art   esld |
     |   1       1   15jun1970   15jun1983    no    No Rx     no |
     |   1       2   15jun1983   15jun1988   yes    No Rx     no |
     |   1       3   15jun1988   14dec1988   yes      ART     no |
     |   1       4   15jun1989   15jun1989   yes      ART    yes |
     |   2       1   15jun1970   14jun1981    no    No Rx     no |
     |   2       2   14jun1981   15jun1987   yes    No Rx     no |
     |   2       3   15jun1987   14jun1988   yes      ART     no |
     |   2       4   14jun1989   14jun1989   yes      ART    yes |

The example in the book though uses values of a continuous variable that
change relative to time.  My data however, uses a categorical variable that
changes with respect to time.  I assumed this did not matter - what was
important is that the variable varies with respect to time.

I'm having trouble trusting my results though.  When I analyze that data
using -tvc-
I have hiv and art do NOT increase the risk of esld (I realize I have a
power issue):

stcox agebase, tvc(hiv art) mgale(mg) schoenfeld(sc*) scaledsch(ssc*)

No. of subjects =          157                     Number of obs   =
No. of failures =           24
Time at risk    =         3913
                                                   LR chi2(3)      =
Log likelihood  =    -93.64632                     Prob > chi2     =

          _t | Haz. Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
rh           |
     agebase |   1.776424   .2582205     3.95   0.000      1.33603
t            |
         hiv |   1.041784   .0412923     1.03   0.302     .9639167
         art |   1.062477   .0416937     1.54   0.123     .9838228

 stphtest, rank detail

      Test of proportional hazards assumption

      Time:  Rank(t)
                  |       rho            chi2       df       Prob>chi2
      agebase     |     -0.38675         1.72        1         0.1902
      hiv         |     -0.23011         0.70        1         0.4015
      art         |      0.36422         1.04        1         0.3079
      global test |                      2.88        3         0.4108

So there doesn't appear to be any evidence that my model violates the
proportional hazards assumption.

If I don't use -tvc- I get very different hazards:

stcox agebase hiv art

          _t | Haz. Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
     agebase |   1.786311   .2587296     4.01   0.000     1.344835
         hiv |   3.392652   2.445086     1.70   0.090      .826186
         art |   3.892577   3.060481     1.73   0.084     .8336669

Did I assume correctly that I should use the -tvc- option and therefore
trust those results?  If so what about proportional hazards?  I read the
chapter on time dependent variables in Collet's book "Modelling Survival
Data in Medical Research" and I understood him to say that when a variable X
depends on time t, the relative hazard is also time dependent.  Therefore
the hazard of death at time t is no longer proportional to the baseline
hazard, and the model is no longer a proportional hazards model.  So I
interpret this to mean that whenever one uses -tvc- the assumption of
proportional hazards is always violated.  Is this correct?  If so, why would
-stphtest- indicate that there was no violation?

 Joseph Wagner, MPH
 130 Desoto Street
 Parran Hall Room 134   
 Epidemiology Data Center 
 Graduate School of Public Health
 University of Pittsburgh
 Pittsburgh, PA  15261
 PHONE:(412) 624-5295 
 FAX: (412) 624-3775
 Email: [email protected]
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