> I've tried various combinations of code from the "books" at the UCLA
> site without success. -findit graph nonlinear- also located Jeroen
> Weesie's -graphf- from Vol 10 of STB, which might do the trick except
> that it always returns the error: "unrecognized command: enumopt". I
> take that to be a command used internally in the ado file which cannot
> be run or found. The same error is returned when I prefix the command
> for Stata 7: -version 7: graphf exp exp-.
> In lieu of a patch that will permit this command to work in current
> Stata, can someone please suggest the steps necessary to manually make
> the partial regression plot using the untransformed units of an
> initially transformed independent variable in a multiple regression?
I can't comment on how to approach making the desired plot, but you can install the -
enumopt- routine which is part of the the package dm75 from STB-53 and also written
by Jerome Weesie
. search enumopt
. findit enumopt
will return the relevant links for installing the package.
Neil Shephard
Genetics Statistician
ARC Epidemiology Unit, University of Manchester
"Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it
were so it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's
logic" - Tweedledee (Alice Through the Looking Glass)
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