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st: selecting obs while reading in huge data set

From   "Sascha O. Becker" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: selecting obs while reading in huge data set
Date   Wed, 18 Aug 2004 15:47:51 +0200

Dear stata users,

I have a huge data set A (2 GB in ASCII) with 40 mio. observations (workers) but only 10 variables. I have another data set B containing information on (a sub-set of) employers and want to select only workers from data set A that are employed in firms in data set B (firm IDs are one variable in data set A).

Since I cannot read in the whole data set A at once, I can loop over data set A, i.e.

a) read in the first 5 mio obs from A, then merge data set B, keep only relevant obs, save those
b) read in the next 5 mio obs from A, merge data set B, keep only relevant obs, save those etc

but this is extremely time-consuming.


Is there also a way to select observations while reading in data set A, i.e. something like

-insheet datasetA using mydata if firmid in datasetB- ?

and if yes, is it likely to be faster?

Best, Sascha


Dr. Sascha O. Becker
Center for Economic Studies
University of Munich
Schackstr. 4 - 80539 Munich, Germany
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