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Re: st: Tabodds with multiple explanatory variables

From   Philip Ryan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Tabodds with multiple explanatory variables
Date   Wed, 18 Aug 2004 09:50:10 +0930

egen exp_group = group(hair eyes), label
tabodds cases exp_group, or

The -label- option makes nice output in the -tabodds- table when you have value labels already applied to the original exposure variables.


At 05:31 PM 17/08/2004 -0400, you wrote:


This is mostly a post to ask, is there an easier/more elegant way?

I would like to calculate odds ratios over pairs of stratification
variables, for example, hair and eyes.  Hair has values of 0 or 1 and eyes
can be 0, 1, or 2.  There are then 6 categories: hair = 0 and eyes = 0; hair
= 1 and eyes = 0; hair = 0 and eyes = 1; hair = 1 and eyes = 1 ...and so on.
The goal is a table that looks like this:

   hair eyes |  Odds Ratio       chi2       P>chi2     [95% Conf. Interval]
     0     0 |    1.000000          .           .              .          .
     1     0 |    0.857143       0.02       0.8814      0.112836   6.511180
     0     1 |    3.529412       2.23       0.1354      0.602837  20.663549
     1     1 |    3.600000       2.39       0.1222      0.633331  20.463229
     0     2 |   44.000000      16.95       0.0000      2.009823 963.268843
     1     2 |    6.857143       4.72       0.0298      0.911312  51.596417

To achieve this result I currently use the following code:

gen cat = hair + 2*eyes
lab def catlbl 0 "0   0" 1 "1   0" 2 "0   1" 3 "1   1" 4 "0   2" 5 "1   2"
lab val cat catlbl
lab var cat "hair eyes"
tabodds cases cat, or base(1) // make sure we use hair = 0, eyes = 0 as the

This code works but isn't portable.  I have 3 primary variables to be
stratified over 8 other variables all with various possible values (ie some
are 0,1, and others are 0,1,2,3) yielding 24 combinations.  Is there a
clever, portable way to generate variables representing all possible
combinations of two categorical variables?  Or, better yet, a way to get
tabodds to stratify over two variables?

Thanks in advance to any thought given this problem,

Ben Hulley

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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor,
Department of Public Health
Associate Dean (Information Technology)
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Adelaide 5005
South Australia
tel 61 8 8303 3570
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