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st: RE: xi3 & postgr3 graph options

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: xi3 & postgr3 graph options
Date   Tue, 17 Aug 2004 10:53:10 +0100

Although the help file seems not to mention it, -xi3- is by 
Michael Mitchell and Phil Ender of UCLA, and -postgr3- 
is by Michael Mitchell. 

Neither appears to be a member of Statalist at present,
so I'd recommend them emailing them directly for support. 

I've not used either program myself, being among the very 
simple-minded souls whose needs are met by -xi-. 

[email protected] 

David Airey
> xi3 and postgr3 are very useful commands. These two command work 
> together very well.
> But, has anyone tried graph options in postgr3? It does not 
> seem to be 
> implemented as in the previous version postgr which worked with xi2.
> I would very much like to see Stata Corp extend xi3 and 
> postgr commands 
> to xin and postgrn, where n reflects any desired level of 
> interactions 
> (for most people, third order interactions would be enough, but in 
> experimental designs, the possibility of a few more should be 
> considered). We have now been through 2 external parties developing 
> similarly useful commands (i.e., desmat and xi3). Conceptually, I 
> prefer xi3 and postgr3 because they work well together to 
> present both 
> statistics and graphical interpretations. Please make this 
> wish part of Stata 9.

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