-labvalclone- is a wrapper for the creation
and running of a do file defining a set of
value labels, except that on each line of
the do file the name of the value label
is changed.
For changing the labels in another file,
you could -label save- explicitly to
a do file --- optionally change the value label name
(e.g with the aid of a text editor) ---
and run it with various data files.
At its simplest,
use A
label save COLOURS using colours.do
use B
do colours
label val HUES COLOURS
I once contemplated a -labelrename-.
What put me off was mostly the thought
that the program might be dangerous
because of assumptions about what it did
and didn't do. That is, suppose you rename
a set of value labels. You probably want
to associate the newly named set with
the variables its predecessor was previously linked to --
but you might not. It seemed better
to leave users to work out the separate
steps they needed.
Tewodaj Mogues
> Nick, your suggestions helped perfectly. -labvalclone- is
> really great, and -ds,has()- is very useful if I have
> multiple vars with the same label that I want to change. I
> don't now but may in the future. -labvalclone- would be
> especially helpful if I could this way carry over a set of
> labels from one dataset to another (without having to merge a
> variable that's in one dataset and has the desired labels,
> into the other dataset). That is, I have in dataset A the
> label name COLOURS with which are associated the value labels
> red, libertarian-yellow, and blue, and which I use for the
> variable PARTY_SHADES. Now I want to use COLOURS for the
> variable HUES which is located in dataset B. Can I somehow
> transfer labels across datasets? So far I have been creating
> the label name and all value labels all over again in the new dataset.
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