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st: working out data structure

From   "Armen Khachatryan" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: working out data structure
Date   Fri, 13 Aug 2004 12:32:35 +0200

T. Otsuki report in Food Policy 29 (2004). The model they suggest looks
interesting also to my area. It looks like
         Where i and j mean importing and exporting countries, V denotes the
value of trade from j to i. GNPs are clear, the same POPs, and DIST is
distance  between i and j, MRL the max residue limit imposed by i. TARIFF is
applied tariff rate between i and j. The rest are dummies. The data set
covers 1997-1999.
         I have just started to consider doing something like that. Surely
one needs data. The data set structure is what I am concerned with now. 
         The problem I have is how to build the data set. Unless I have the
idea, I can't proceed with collecting the data.
         Sorry for the lengthy writing, but I got a kind of mental brake, I
need help to move forwards.
         In the data matrix should importing countries appear horizontally
and exporters vertically? How I fix the V, POP and others stuff for
importers and exporters, how with distance.
         Do you think it is ok to contact Mr. Wilson and Mr. Otsuki (the
author of the article mentioned above) asking them to send a small piece of
their dataset?
         Any suggestion/help/hint will be very much appreciated.
         Thanks in advance.
         University of Hohenheim
         Stuttgart, Germany
         Tel.: +49 711 459 2600 or 3303
         Fax: +49 711 459 3709 or 3762

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