I think you need to clone -mvsumm- and
get your clone, called something else,
to do what you want. It's not difficult,
but speaking as a co-author of -mvsumm-
you don't have my support in this aim.
Insisting on complete windows is, I suggest,
to be regarded as a small feature
in -mvsumm-. You can nobble the code if you wish,
but that is your responsibility.
Kit Baum may or may not agree with me on this.
[email protected]
[email protected]
I have a similar question to Adrian's about -mvsumm-.
Unfortunately, the
proposed solution (using -tssmooth-) doesn't work as I am
interested in moving
variances, not moving averages.
How can I get create a variable that contains the variance of
the five preceding
observations in a panel data set, even if one or two of the
those preceding
observations are missing? And how can I specify the minimum number of
non-missing observations within the window?