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st: beta-binomial regression, ebb.ado

From   Keith Dear <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: beta-binomial regression, ebb.ado
Date   Tue, 10 Aug 2004 09:50:52 +1000

Does anyone do this? It seems not to be supported by Stata. Brad Palmquist wrote the ebb program, but he no longer supports or provides it. It seems to work fine, but I am wondering:
* should I not be doing beta-binomial regression for some reason?
* should I not be using ebb.ado?
* are there other methods (models) I should be using instead?

Beta-binomial regression can be used to model over-dispersed binomial-like data (i.e. bounded non-negative integer). I frequently handle such data, arising from psychological and psychiatric scales -- typically each subject is asked a number of questions (9 or 12 perhaps) and the outcome variable to be analysed is the count of "yes" responses. The "e" in ebb allows for Extension to under-dispersed data.

Keith Dear

Dr Keith B.G. Dear
Senior Fellow
* Centre for Mental Health Research (CMHR)
* National Centre for Epidemiology and Popn Health (NCEPH)

The Australian National University
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