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st: RE: while vs. forvalues

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: while vs. forvalues
Date   Sat, 7 Aug 2004 16:12:55 +0100

I agree: the two code fragments should
be equivalent. (Stata indulges `j ' for `j'.) 

I put this code in my do-file editor and 
it ran without problem, so I suspect 
some other problem. 

tempname newvec rowvec 
matrix `rowvec' = J(10,1,1) 
matrix `newvec' = J(10,1,2) 
local n = 10 

mat li `newvec' 

forvalues j = 1(1)`n' {
	mat `newvec'[`n'-`j'+1,1] = `rowvec'[`j',1]

mat li `newvec' 

[email protected] 

Michael S. Hanson
> 	I tried the following code snippet in a program, but I 
> kept getting an 
> "invalid syntax" error at the -forvalues- command (according to 
> -trace-):
> 	forvalues j = 1(1)`n' {
> 		mat `newvec'[`n'-`j'+1,1] = `rowvec'[`j',1]
> 	}
> When I replaced that code with the following, the program 
> completed as 
> expected:
> 	local j = 1
> 	while `j '<= `n' {
> 		mat `newvec'[`n'-`j'+1,1] = `rowvec'[`j',1]
> 		local ++j
> 	}
> I'm puzzled by this, as my reading of p.214 of the User's Guide 
> suggests these two approaches should be equivalent.  Any ideas?

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