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st: Re: Stata query

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: Stata query
Date   Fri, 6 Aug 2004 08:15:05 -0400

On Aug 6, 2004, at 2:33 AM, James wrote:

This might seem like a simple/strange issue to be having with Stata, but I'm
trying to create a text file with results that are saved in memory. At the
moment I'm creating a log file and quietly displaying to the log in
comma-separated format, which later allows me to read in the log file using
the 'insheet' command. I'm sure there's a better way to do this. One thing
that is making my life difficult are the headers and footers that Stata
automatically attaches to its log files. My question is this: Is there a way
to prevent Stata from placing headers and footers in log files?
Don't know, but I would handle this with the file command, which gives you complete control over what goes in the output file. Look at the source of outtable (on ssc) as an example.


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