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st: Stata's complex sampling - how deep does complex sampleanalysis have to go?

From   "Thomas W BRUNDAGE" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Stata's complex sampling - how deep does complex sampleanalysis have to go?
Date   Thu, 05 Aug 2004 11:34:32 -0700

People -

This came my way in  discussion on the relative merits of SPSS, Stata, and SUDAAN.  

"If you are using STATA as a replacement for SUDAAN you need to be aware that only the first couple (I think it is two) levels of complex
sampling can be accounted for...  then you have to assume simple random sampling...  this may work for some of your work.... SUDAAN accounts for
up to 8 levels of nested sampling.  So, if there are very complex sampling strategies, you may have to resort to SUDAAN anyway.

I have come across a couple of CDC sponsored surveys that require this... but not all."  

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