I used to be able to specify the variables I wanted to include using
keep() with a list of variables. I have working examples (well, they
used to work) of lists that include Abbreviated variable names (Var1
instead of Var1_has_this_name), Range of names (var3-var8) and
Wildcards (HHvar*).
None of these options work in -estout- anymore, nor do they work in
-estimates table-. I wish I could prove that this used to work, but
don't have an old installation of Stata on which to do it. I know that
"bugs" usually are user errors, but I have reason to suspect that
there is something else going on here.
No suggestions, I'm afraid, but I too have noticed that the -drop- and
-keep- options of -est table- do not allow wildcards, ranges, etc. I
too would appreciate ways to get around this limitation.