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st: graphical output of metan contains fictional data in studyid

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: graphical output of metan contains fictional data in studyid
Date   Thu, 29 Jul 2004 07:18:59 -0700

I am experiencing difficulty with graphical output of metan.Strange numbers are appearing where the study name should be, in both the text output results and the graphical output. I have defined four variables, resp1 resp0 noresp1 noresp0, which are the four 2x2 cells.

"Help metan" specifies that I should use the option (namvar=namvar), and in my case namvar=studyid.There are some missing data in a covariate, here called covar, and so I specify the command for covar!=. I have tried this with or without any of the options or "if" command, and this is still happening. I have made sure that studyid is a string variable. The numbers which appear in the Study column of output do not represent the sort order, or any of my data cells. By the way, this problem does not appear when I use meta.

Any suggestions?

(my command and output follow below)

metan resp1 resp0 noresp1 noresp0 if covar!=., random xlab(.1,.5,1,2,10) counts texts(.7) label(namvar=studyid) by(covar)

Study | RR [95% Conf. Interval] % Weight
2 | 1.159 0.761 1.764 11.83
7 | 1.706 1.150 2.530 13.46
9 | 1.189 0.853 1.657 18.99
11 | 1.347 0.830 2.187 8.90
12 | 1.316 0.954 1.814 20.27
13 | 1.385 0.863 2.224 9.33
Sub-total |
D+L pooled RR | 1.328 1.133 1.557 82.78
14 | 1.350 0.950 1.919 16.90
15 | 0.333 0.026 4.268 0.32
Sub-total |
D+L pooled RR | 1.166 0.489 2.780 17.22
Overall |
D+L pooled RR | 1.326 1.147 1.532 100.00

Michael McCulloch, LAc, MPH
Doctoral Candidate, Division of Epidemiology
University of California at Berkeley

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