Thanks to Kit Baum, there is a new version of -estout-
downloadable from SSC.
The capabilities and the syntax of -estout- changed
quite a bit. Therefore, the old version is still
available as -estout1-.
Two important changes:
(1) It is now possible to save own default
configurations. This makes it possible, for
example, to get rid of all the LaTeX code in
the do-files.
(2) Own subroutines to provide additional statistics
can be incorporated relatively easily. This makes
-estout- very flexible.
Some other new features:
- freely arrange the b-, se-, t-values, etc.
- display confidence intervalls
- display standardized coefficients (beta)
- display model p-value
- place the equations of multiequation models beside
one another
- display marginal effects for dprobit, dtobit, truncreg
- customize parentheses for se-values, t-values etc.
- customize the format of numbers
- powerfull options to label things
The package has gotten rather complex and there will be
quite a few bugs. If you find one, please let me know;
I will be happy to fix it.
Cheers, ben
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