From | Roger Newson <[email protected]> |
To | [email protected] |
Subject | Re: st: Nice tables |
Date | Mon, 26 Jul 2004 16:58:48 +0100 |
At 16:22 26/07/2004, Ginger wrote (in reply to Eric):
Hello Eric,One possibility is to use resultsset-generating programs such as -parmest-, together with -listtext- to make the nice tables (in TeX, LaTeX, HTML or word processor format). Both of these packages are downloadable from SSC, and so are several other packages used with them to make nice tables (and also presentation-ready plots).
I'd be interested in hearing from other listers of how they make nice tables too.
Here's the way I do it:
This example makes a table comparing the means of two groups (treatment and control). The code below creates column1.out with means and column2.out with standard errors. The rows are the variables var1 var2 and var3. I can open these files using Excel and easily create the tables (especially if you use good variable labels). However, its not as nice as -outreg- for regressions. I'd love to add some code to do a t-test of means (control vs. treatment), add significance stars and append the columns together.
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