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st: Re: foreach syntax

From   Christopher F Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: foreach syntax
Date   Fri, 23 Jul 2004 07:06:58 -0400

On Jul 23, 2004, at 2:33 AM, Debra wrote:

Thanks, but that was just an unfortunate typo in my e-mail. Here's exactly
the code which failed. Note the input line fails before I even get to the
save. I've just checked (again) that the files are where I think they are
(ie, d:\Data\CGSData\owner00r.wb2 does exist.) Sorry for not being clear
the first time.

inputst d:\Data\CGSData\owner00r.wb2
. clear
As other threads on the list have made clear, it is much easier to get away from these problems by abandoning the DOS \ in favor of the more common /. That is, Stata will properly interpret d:/data/cgsdata/ownerr00r.wb2
even if it is running on a DOS platform, and using forward slashes removes the confusion with local macros. This has the added advantage that it is much easier to write platform-independent code, since every other OS supported by Stata will understand a filename containing forward slashes. So when you see the light and set up that Intel box to boot into Linux instead...


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