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st: Generating a variable containing names of other variables

From   Thomas Speidel <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Generating a variable containing names of other variables
Date   Thu, 22 Jul 2004 11:54:58 -0600

I am trying to generate a new variable that contains the name of the variable where a certain expression is true.
For example consider the following:

jan feb mar apr may
0 200 195 203 119
175 193 220 107 0
98 226 0 0 0

I want to generate a new variable, say maxmth, that contains the name of the variable where the row maximum occurs.
In this case maxmth would look like this:


I tried something along this:
.egen maxmth=rmax(jan feb mar apr may)
.replace maxmth=_varname if maxmth==feb | maxmth==mar | maxmth==apr | maxmth==may

But I don't know how to refer to the variable name...

Thomas Speidel
Statistical Associate
Department of Oncology
Tom Baker Cancer Centre
1331 - 29th Street N.W.
Calgary, AB, T2N 4N4

Tel. (403) 944-3113
Email: [email protected]

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