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RE: st: obtaining AUC at each iteration when bootstrapping a logistic reg ression model

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: obtaining AUC at each iteration when bootstrapping a logistic reg ression model
Date   Wed, 21 Jul 2004 16:24:35 +0200

David and Nick,

Thanks for your help! 

While running the do file I encountered the following error message:  
		command -> myboot
		error when command executed on original dataset under
version 8 control

By now, it is probably quite obvious to you that I am just beginning to
learn to work with Stata, so it might be something very silly. Still, I hope
you will help me.

This is the do-file (as applied to a (simplified version of) my data set (my
model has of course more independent variables)):

	capture program drop myboot
	program myboot, rclass
	sw logistic ras age bmi pp, forward pe (.1) 
	local vinf : list v in finvars
	lroc, nograph
	return scalar area=r(area)
	for each v of varlist age bmi pp {return scalar `v'= ( `vinf' " , "
`v' " )>0}

	use "C:\My documents\prediction model.dta"
	sw logistic ras age bmi pp, forward pe(.1)
	lroc, nograph
	bootstrap "myboot" r(area) r(rep78) r(age) r(bmi) r(pp), reps(100) 
	save (bootresults, replace)

	use bootresults

This is the output: 

. capture program drop myboot

. program myboot, rclass
  1. sw logistic ras age bmi pp, forward pe (.1) 
  2. local vinf : list v in finvars
  3. lroc, nograph
  4. return scalar area=r(area)
  5. for each v of varlist age bmi pp {return scalar `v'= ( `vinf' " , " `v'
" )>0}
  6. end

. clear

. use "C:\My documents\prediction model.dta"

. sw logistic ras age bmi pp, forward pe(.1)
                      begin with empty model
p = 0.0001 <  0.1000  adding   age
p = 0.0056 <  0.1000  adding   bmi

Logistic regression                               Number of obs   =
                                                  LR chi2(2)      =
                                                  Prob > chi2     =
Log likelihood = -154.12872                       Pseudo R2       =

         ras | Odds Ratio   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
         age |   1.052812   .0135307     4.00   0.000     1.026624
         bmi |    .909435   .0311763    -2.77   0.006     .8503382

. lroc, nograph

Logistic model for ras

number of observations =      328
area under ROC curve   =   0.6926

. bootstrap "myboot" r(area) r(rep78) r(age) r(bmi) r(pp), reps(100) 

command -> myboot
error when command executed on original dataset under version 8 control

end of do-file

Many thanks in advance,

[email protected]

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