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RE: st: obtaining AUC at each iteration when bootstrapping a logistic reg ression model

From   "David Harrison" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: obtaining AUC at each iteration when bootstrapping a logistic reg ression model
Date   Tue, 20 Jul 2004 16:43:58 +0100

A word of warning about the code I just sent: the use of the -index()- function below is rather ropey. It relies on none of the variable names being substrings of any of the other variable names (e.g. if variables were named x and x2 then this code would not work because the -index()- function would flag x whenever x2 was present). Something more robust, but more complex, could be done with the -word()- function.

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: David Harrison 
Sent: 20 July 2004 16:28
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: obtaining AUC at each iteration when bootstrapping a
logistic reg ression model

The following returns (in addition to the AUC) a 0/1 variable for each candidate variable from the stepwise model which is 1 if the variable is included in the final model and 0 if it isn't:

 program myboot, rclass
 sw logit for rep wei len turn, pr(.05)
 matrix B=e(b)
 local finvars : colfullnames(B)
 lroc, nograph
 return scalar area=r(area)
 foreach v of varlist rep wei len turn {
     return scalar `v'=(index("`finvars'","`v'")>0)

 sysuse auto
 sw logit for rep wei len turn, pr(.05)
 lroc, nograph
 bootstrap "myboot" r(area) r(rep78) r(weight) r(length) r(turn), reps(5) saving(bootresults) replace

 use bootresults

Hope this helps,

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 20 July 2004 15:59
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: obtaining AUC at each iteration when bootstrapping a
logistic reg ression model

Thanks, this works very well for me. I used this routine in a stepwise
regression analysis. I wonder whether it is possible to count how many times
a certain variable is selected out of the total number of bootstrap
repetitions. If so, does anyone know how to implement this in the rclass
program below?

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: May Boggess [mailto:[email protected]]
Verzonden: vrijdag 9 juli 2004 17:42
Aan: [email protected]
Onderwerp: Re: st: obtaining AUC at each iteration when bootstrapping a
logistic reg ression model

On Friday, Marieke asked:

> In order to validate internally and asses overfitting in a logistic
> regression model, I performed bootstrapping. However, I noticed that it is
> impossible to get the AUC (from lroc) for each repetition. Does anyone
> how I can solve this.
We can write a small rclass program to save the area each time.
Here is an example:

 program drop myboot
 program myboot, rclass
 logit for rep
 lroc, nograph
 ret list
 return scalar area=r(area)

 sysuse auto
 logit for rep
 lroc, nograph
 bootstrap "myboot" r(area), reps(5) saving(bootresults, replace)

 use bootresults

 [email protected]

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