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st: RE: histogram

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: histogram
Date   Tue, 20 Jul 2004 14:28:58 +0100

I suspect that you want what is often called
a frequency polygon. Frequency polygons 
are not supported by official Stata. There 
are various user-written programs in 
existence, although none I think in the public 
domain. One user got excited by the problem
a while back, but (s)he doesn't seem to have 
followed through to completion. 

Programming them from scratch divides into 
the easy bit, which is easy, and the difficult 
bit (making sure that zero bins are shown properly), 
which is not so easy. I guess that a good Stata 
programmer could also look at -histogram- 
and clone it, but that would be a class act. 

An alternative, which I believe superior, is 
to go straight to -kdensity-. Statistical 
science spent too many decades stuck 
in bins. Climb out of the bins and get 
smoother estimates! 

[email protected] 

> This is probably a silly question:  
> How do I get a density line in the -hist- graph command 
> without the visual of the bins, i.e. to 
> connect the pinnacles of each bin, and get rid off the bins ?
> I search the graph manual but I couldn't find it, is it there 
> somewhere?

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